Right Side of house moan
Ah the walkway. I finaly was getting around to the walk way. I thought they were siz inch blocks in the ground. Boy was I wrong. They are 2 foot by 3 foot by 2 inch think poured cement. I removed them and filled in with dirt and planted grass seed. Now I have to figure out what to do with 7 cement blocks. I really don’t want to throw them away, I’m really sure how or where to take them even if I did want to get rid of them.
Here is another photo take while I was buying the house in 2006. This side you can see how things look. This year 2012 I had the outside of the porch redone and redid the mulch around the bottom. As you can see I’m still in the middle of the refresh of the side and back. Eventually I’m going ot have a rain barrow on this side, that’s why the gutter is not set back up yet.